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Your Guide to Getting Started with Fertility Treatment

决定去看生育专家是你组建家庭的一大步. When you meet with one of our fertility specialists, 您将获得针对您独特情况的所有生育选择的完整概述. With your input, we will:

  • create an individualized treatment plan, and
  • 探索所有方面,包括测试,药物治疗和访问.

大发娱乐希望大发娱乐的病人在这段情绪激动、有时充满压力的时间里尽可能感到舒适. Our team is committed to providing the most caring, compassionate, and leading-edge fertility care available.

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment

一定要提前打电话并安排好你的第一次约会. 你可能要等三到六周才能去看生育专家. In the meantime, 你可以开始收集对你的咨询有大发娱乐的信息和材料. This could include:

  • Medical records—Get copies of records from your OB/GYN, primary care provider, or fertility doctors you’ve seen in the past.
  • Insurance information-在与大发娱乐的财务顾问会面时,这一点很重要(see Step 3). 确保你和你的伴侣都带了保险信息.
  • Notebook记下与医生交谈时可能出现的任何笔记或问题会很有大发娱乐.
  • Calendar—If you can, bring any calendars, apps, or other tools you may be using to track your menstrual cycle, sexual activity, and other related information.

Step 2: First Consultation with Your Fertility Specialist

At your initial fertility consultation, 您的医生将与您会面,检查您的医疗记录,并讨论任何可能影响您的生育能力或您之前接受过的治疗的情况. 准备好回答一些关于个人或敏感话题的问题,包括:

  • previous surgeries;
  • any medications you are taking;
  • alcohol, tobacco, or drug use;
  • history of STDs; and
  • past pregnancies, abortions, or miscarriages.

These conversations might seem uncomfortable, 但大发娱乐的医生在讨论这些问题上有丰富的经验,他们会尽最大努力大发娱乐你放松下来. Remember, the more information you can share with your doctor, 就越容易清楚地了解你的生育能力,以及哪种治疗方案对你最有效.

Step 3: Financial Advisement

如果你愿意,接下来你可以和UCRM的财务顾问见面. This step is optional, 但这是一个很好的资源,可以大发娱乐你了解你的治疗费用. Your advisor will help you go over different pricing plans and discuss whether treatments may be covered by your insurance. 如果您计划接受试管婴儿,大发娱乐特别建议您这样做.

Step 4: Fertility Assessments

Once the consultation is over, 你可能需要完成一些实验室工作来大发娱乐你的医生制定治疗计划. Some patients can have these tests done at the Andrology Laboratory (located in the same building as UCRM) on the same day as your initial consultation. 你可能需要去不同的地方,这取决于你的保险.

Many of these tests will require you to give some blood samples, so be sure to arrive at the lab rested and hydrated, and wear a shirt with sleeves that can easily be rolled up. The particular tests will be specific to your situation, so not every patient will need every test listed below. 你的医生可能会在这些测试中看到几件事.

Routine Pre-Pregnancy Screening

  • Prenatal panel—These blood tests are typically ordered in early pregnancy, including a complete blood count, blood type and antibody screen, confirmation of immunity to rubella and varicella (chicken pox), and routine infectious disease screening.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) leveltsh是一种由脑垂体产生的激素,脑垂体位于大脑底部,控制甲状腺. 血液中TSH的水平会告诉你的医生你的甲状腺是否正常工作. 高TSH水平表明你的甲状腺功能低下(甲状腺功能减退)。, which could cause irregular ovulation and negatively affect pregnancy.

Female Fertility Tests

  • Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) level这种激素在卵巢的卵泡中产生,可以大发娱乐你的医生确定有多少卵子可用. As women age, their AMH production decreases, 这意味着可以受精的健康卵子更少了. 这有助于预测你对生育治疗的反应.
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)—This test is performed in radiology at a hospital. A catheter is placed in your cervix, 在拍x光时,通过子宫颈注入染料,填充子宫和输卵管. 它是用来确定你的子宫形状是否有异常, and if your fallopian tubes are open.
  • Saline sonohysterogram (SIS)这是在UCRM进行的一种专门的经阴道超声检查,将导管插入您的宫颈,将液体注入您的子宫. 它是用来寻找子宫内部的异常,也可以大发娱乐确定你的输卵管是否打开.

Male Fertility Tests

  • Semen Analysis (SA)—This test will look at sperm concentration, shape, 和运动来确定这些因素是否会影响生育能力. If abnormalities are found, additional testing may be ordered.

Step 5: Follow-up Appointment

After completing the blood tests and other fertility assessments, 你将安排与医生的后续预约,讨论结果并制定生育治疗计划. 您的医生将能够回答您对所做检查的任何问题, your results, and what they mean for you going forward.

Treatment Options

Depending on the results of your fertility tests, 你的医生很可能会推荐以下一种或几种选择的组合:

  • Ovulation induction-这是用于月经不规律,不会自行排卵的女性. We can use medications, usually pills, to help release an egg.
  • Superovulation—During superovulation (often referred to as “superov”), 医生给女性开了一种药物,刺激卵巢,增加排卵时释放的卵子数量. This is often combined with intrauterine insemination.
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)—Sperm is placed directly in the uterus during ovulation. 这会让更多的精子到达输卵管,从而提高你怀孕的几率.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)—IVF is one of the most effective fertility treatments available. 在体外受精周期中,女性需要注射药物来一次培养多个卵子. 当卵子成熟时,在镇静的情况下,通过办公室程序采集卵子. 这些卵子随后在实验室受精并长成胚胎. Typically, 取出卵子大约5天后,一个胚胎被移植到女性的子宫中.
  • Egg Donor Program—With this option, a young, healthy woman takes injectable medications to grow eggs, which are harvested and donated to another couple. This option can help women who are older, have premature ovarian failure, are carriers of genetic diseases, or have had multiple failed cycles of IVF, by providing them with healthy eggs.

Additional Resources


患者在处理与不孕症过程相关的许多情感问题时遇到困难是正常的. 这就是为什么UCRM有一个顾问可以在最初的评估中给你大发娱乐提供支持, treatment cycles, and follow-up phases of the program.

For more information please contact:

Laura A. Czajkowksi, PhD

*Patients pre-paying are given 30% discount on consultation fee.

Legal Resources

使用代孕的患者需要与律师合作,以确保所有必要的法律事务都得到妥善处理. 犹他州生殖医学中心建议患者与有生殖法律经验的律师合作.

UCRM is happy to work with your lawyer if you already have one. If not, we will recommend you to work with any of the following:

Damian Davenport
Attorney at Law

Lauren R. Barros
Attorney at Law

Contact Information

大发娱乐期待着在这个过程中进一步了解你们. Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions.

Call us at 801-581-3834.

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